40G Kabel DAC
40G Kabel DAC
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Często zadawane pytania about purchasing DAC/AOC cable
What’s the difference between DAC Cable and AOC Cable?
Bezpośredni kabel przyłączeniowy (przetwornik cyfrowo-analogowy) is comprised of a Twinax copper cable terminated with SFP+/ SFP28/ QSFP+/ QSFP56/ QSFP28 connectors on both ends, which can provide an electrical connection directly into active equipment. Aktywny kabel optyczny (AOC) consists of a multimode fiber optic cable terminated with SFP form factor connectors on both ends, which requires external power to complete the conversion of electric and optical signals, from the electric signals to optical ones and then convert to electric signals finally. DAC cables are used to connect switches, servers, and storage inside racks. AOC cables are mostly used to link switches, servers, and storage between different racks inside data centers.
I'm looking for a 10G DAC Cable 10 meters. Is it available in AERECH?
The maximum length we recommend for passive DAC is 7 meters, considering link loss. If you need 10-meter direct attach cables, active DAC is suitable for you.
Once I place an order for my direct attach cables, ile czasu zajmie ich otrzymanie?
Normalnie, czas realizacji jest w ciągu 1-3 dni roboczych po potwierdzeniu zamówienia. Szybka wysyłka za pośrednictwem DHL/UPS/FedEx na cały świat, dopasowanie pilnego zapotrzebowania klienta na projekt.
What cable lengths does AERECH offer for 100G QSFP28 Active Optical Cable?
AERECH offers 100G QSFP28 Active Optical Cable in 1m, 3m, 5m, 7m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m, 30m, 50m, and longer customized lengths.
I want to connect my two switches by using a 10G DAC, they're Arista 7050 and Cisco 3850. How can you match my demand?
One side of the DAC is compatible with Arista, another side is compatible with Cisco, we write different codes, then connect the above switches well.
What’s the difference between Passive DAC and Active DAC?
Passive DAC cable contains no electronics for signal conditioning, so it has lower power consumption, but the linking distance is limited to 7m. While active DAC cable contains electrical components in the connectors, allowing reaching greater distances (up to 10m) via copper media and ensuring better transmission quality. This makes active copper cables slightly more expensive and consumes more power than direct attached passive copper cables.
Does 10G DAC Cable work as a gigabit, not 10g?
NIE, it will not work for 1G connections, and it will not be recognized on 1G Ports, this is an SFP+ cable with attached dedicated 10G SFP+ Transceivers.
What kinds of custom choices are offered in AERECH?
As for customized direct attach cables, AERECH offers regular custom choices such as compatibility, cable length, cable color, operating temperature, label pattern, label colors, itp.
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- Wysokiej jakości komponenty zapewniające niezawodność.
- Skrupulatna kontrola zapewniająca bezbłędne działanie.
- Najnowocześniejsza konstrukcja PCB zapewniająca optymalną funkcjonalność.
- Profesjonalny montaż zapewniający precyzyjną integrację.
- Rygorystyczne testy zapewniające niezrównaną niezawodność.
- Bezpieczne opakowanie i szybka dostawa zapewniają spokój ducha.