কিভাবে সঠিক অপটিক্যাল ট্রান্সসিভার চয়ন করবেন

কিভাবে সঠিক অপটিক্যাল ট্রান্সসিভার চয়ন করবেন

কিভাবে সঠিক অপটিক্যাল ট্রান্সসিভার চয়ন করবেন?

অপটিক্যাল মডিউল হল অপটিক ফাইবার যোগাযোগের মূল আনুষাঙ্গিক. আজকাল, বাজারে অপটিক্যাল মডিউল বিভিন্ন ধরনের আছে. অপটিক্যাল মডিউল কেনার সময় আমাদের কোন বিষয়গুলো বিবেচনা করা উচিত? কিভাবে আমরা একটি উপযুক্ত অপটিক্যাল মডিউল নির্বাচন করতে পারি? এই নিবন্ধটি সাহায্য করবে.

Form Factor and Data Rate

Data Rate155M, 1.25জি, 2.5জি, 6জি10জি25জি40জি100জি400জি

When selecting an optical module, সরঞ্জামগুলি সমর্থিত অপটিক্যাল মডিউলের ফর্ম ফ্যাক্টর এবং ডেটা রেট নির্দিষ্ট করবে.

Transmission distance

The transmission distance of the optical module is divided into three types:

Short DistanceMedium DistanceLong Distance
≦ 2KM10KM-20KM≧ 30KM(40কেএম, 80কেএম, 120কেএম)

A suitable transmission distance is according to the actual application. To ensure the transmission quality, please note that the transmission distance of the optical module we choose should be slightly larger than the transmission distance of the actual applications.


Optical modules can be divided into single-fiber optical modules and dual-fiber optical modules according to the transmission mode.

Single-fiber optical module has only one optic fiber interface, and one optical fiber transmits and receives optical signals at the same time.

Dual-fiber optical module has two optic fiber interfaces, which connect two optical fibers and transmit and receive one optical fiber each.

When selecting an optical module, please note that if the opposite optical module is a single-fiber or dual-fiber module, it can be connected only with the same transmission mode.


Regular optical modules include the LC interface, SC interface, এবংMPO interface. The electrical module uses an RJ45 interface.

The two optical modules must be connected to realize information exchange between optical modules. The inserted jumper’s connectors must be the same when selecting optical modules for transmission.


Regular optical module wavelengths are 850nm, 1310nm, 1550nm, CWDM, DWDM, ইত্যাদি.

Please note that in the dual-fiber transmission mode, the wavelengths of the two interconnected optical modules must be the same. Single-fiber optical modules use in pairs.

For example, suppose the wavelength of one end is TX1310/RX1550nm (TX is the transmit wavelength, RX is the receive wavelength). In that case, the opposite end must select an optical module with atransceiver wavelength of TX1550/RX1310nm.

Working temperature

Optical modules can be divided into:

Commercial-grade temperature (0-70°C): used in data centers and enterprise computer rooms. Because there are air conditioners installed in data centers and computer rooms to maintain room temperature

Extended temperature (-20-85°C): If used in outdoor nodes in tropical regions, extended temperature modules will be a better choice.

Industrial-grade temperature (-40-85°C): Used in environments with rapid temperature changes such as outdoors, remote mountainous areas, tunnels, ইত্যাদি. Industrial-grade optical modules will import temperature compensation to ensure that the optical module has a stable working current supply. When the temperature changes, the temperature compensation software will start working.

Optical modules are greatly affected by temperature during operation. Suppose the operating temperature of the optical module is too high or too low. In that case, the optical power will generally decrease, the sensitivity will become lower, and the eye diagram will get bad. Select the appropriate temperature grade optical module according to the operating environment.


Equipment manufacturers of optical modules will encrypt their equipment to varying degrees, which is what we call compatibility. An optical module can only be working on equipment of its brand, and other brands’ optical modules cannot work with this brand of equipment. Compatibility manufacturers will do different compatibility tests on optical modules, and it is necessary to solve the compatibility problem perfectly.


Now more and more suppliers have a limited selection of compatible optical modules, whose quality is almost comparable to the original optical modules, and the price is very competitive, which can help save a lot of costs.

Quality and service

If there is a problem with the optical module in the first 1-2 years of use, it is a quality problem. অতএব, we must choose a trustworthy optical module manufacturer when purchasing compatible optical modules.

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